My Concept for Eventizing McWrap: Welcome to McDonald's.
"Welcome" has always been a part of the McDonald's spirit, this summer let's invite the customers to refreshing surprises that will make them rethink the brand they know and love. Let's entice them to try new menu items like Chicken McWrap. "Welcome" is a call to see and experience McDonald's in a whole new way. Welcome to the familiar that's full of the unexpected. Welcome to McDonald's.
Objectives: Provoke a new reassessment of the brand - remind people why the love McDonald's. Give them a reason to come more frequently. Provide a context that can leverage the timeless and contemporary truths of the brand. Finally, to launch McWrap as a new entree platform with all the power of the McDonald's icon plus fresh news.

From all of these ideas: Below is what was executed.
Also here's me with my team of VPs, account managers, writers, producers, directors & designers.