Initial Concepts for Internal Review before going to client.

After Internal Review with Arc Team, I started from scratch and added one more concept. We had all agreed that the pink straw would be the element in the kit that pulled the frappes + new fruit smoothies together visually. Also making each concept have the light and tone of summer was important.

McDonald's chose the "BlendJoy" concept which was my reco. Now came the revised art: rendering the sketches to place in the layouts so the client could see what the final photography was going to look and feel like before deciding on such an out of the box approach to their POP promotional kit. It was all worth the extra effort, the photography was done with Leigh Beisch in San Fran. The natural lighting, props, and set were all perfect.

Overhead Shot 1

Overhead Shot 2

Photoshop Comp for Client Presentation

Window Poster

In Store Translite

col3 promo trans

Col2 small insert

DT side lugonDT

CBB Cell Wrap

Pole Sign